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Meaning Of Exclusive

What is the definition of "exclusive"?

Meaning of "exclusive"

The term "exclusive" has several meanings, including:

  • Limited to only one person or a specific group of people.
  • Expensive and only affordable for people who can afford it.
  • An adjective describing something that excludes or has the power to exclude others.

  • Limited to possession, control, or use by a single individual or entity.

Examples of "exclusive" in sentences

Here are some examples of how the word "exclusive" is used in sentences:

  • "The club is exclusive, and only members are allowed to enter."
  • "The designer handbag is exclusive and only available in a limited number of stores."
  • "The contract has an exclusive clause that prevents the employee from working for a competitor."

Additional information about "exclusive"

The word "exclusive" comes from the Latin word excludere, meaning "to shut out." It is often used in a negative sense to describe something that is limited to a select few people or that excludes others. However, it can also be used in a positive sense to describe something that is unique or special.

Here are some synonyms for "exclusive":

  • Limited
  • Restricted
  • Select
  • Private
  • Unique

Here are some antonyms for "exclusive":

  • Inclusive
  • Open
  • Public
  • Common
  • Ordinary
